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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Failing Forward


June 11, 2018


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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One way that we allow Ashtyn to earn money is; she gets $10 if she COOKS A MEAL and totally cleans it up. That’s her chores. Because otherwise, we’re so busy that we’d have to go out and buy something else that costs a lot more.

She found a recipe she liked on Pinterest for chicken enchiladas. We bought all the ingredients at the grocery store, came home, and she started cooking.

You’re supposed to mix up the cream cheese, the chicken, more cheese, wrap it in a tortilla, put it in the oven and bake it for 20 minutes until all the cheese melts. Pretty simple.

Lucky dad! He took the first bite and got a mouthful of RAW CHICKEN!!!

Ashtyn didn’t realize, that in the little video she watched, when they put the chicken in the bowl to mix it with the cream cheese…the chicken was ALREADY COOKED.

So she’s like, “Man, I messed it up! Am I still gonna get paid?” (When you’re a teenager it’s all about the $$$.)

She was feeling really bad about it.

But, we didn’t dwell on the fact that she’d failed. We’re her father and mother. We LOVE her! We had a heart for her because at least she was TRYING!

In our lives, we don’t have to be afraid of failing. Our Heavenly Father LOVES US! If we let failures stop us, we won’t ever know all that we’re capable of.

When we see failure, God sees PROGRESS!

We can fail and quit or we can FAIL FORWARD and LEARN from our experience.

Continue reading “I Won’t Quit” on Page 61 of “Hi God, It’s Me Again”.



Have you ever completely FAILED at something? (I’ve had a lot of experience.)  Tell me how it made you feel.



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  1. KAREN CADE says:

    Pastor Nicole, first let me say the Conference this weekend was like nothing Ive experienced before.. I already have my ticket for next year..
    Your blogs are so real and relevant to life situation and everyday challenges… Youre teaching us to be like God, loving, forgiving, patient.
    Thanks for all YOU say and do…
    Karen Cade FAITH CHURCH EC

  2. Marilou W says:

    John Maxwell has a study called “Failing Forward”
    It is wonderful and I took it a few years ago at a local
    church. I never forgot it !

  3. Shamsa rehan says:

    this is what i want to do i want to learn from my failures. When i came to church very first day on Easter that day i decided to learn more and find God.

  4. Dawn Leonard says:

    Sometimes I get so busy I save your emails and hopefully one day will have time to back and read them. This one I took the time to read and you are so right!! We have to learn to fail because he does love us no matter what!! It took me a long time to learn this. And I was just telling my son this a couple days ago. He continues to make bad decisions and I told him I will never give up on him just like our Heavenly Father never gave up on us!!!

  5. Emily says:

    I am anointed,equipped and empowered.
    A rise my beloved daughter! Amen

  6. Jessica Parks says:

    I have completely failed at working in my degree field. Not from lack of trying, but for some reason the degree in itself has not been helpful. The time spent interning and the various positions working with animals have not been enough (or the right experience) to get me where I thought I wanted to be. I feel like I failed because I am paying back 80k in student loans and spent 5 years in school. I relocated for a job with my dream employer with high hopes in what I was told would happen, only for them to go back on their end at the very last minute. After I moved myself and my 3 year old son back to St. Louis. As I prepare to move back to IL God has worked on my heart changing it from utter defeat and disappointment, even regret, to feelings of accomplishment because I didn’t let this experience break me and I can be proud that I took the leap of faith and went after my dream.



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