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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Flood Of Emotions


September 14, 2017


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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I have to tell you; this year, we’ve had some CRAZY weather in Missouri! So, right in the middle of our SECOND MAJOR flood, my dad had a stroke. (Don’t worry, he’s fine now.)

We flew back into town to see him, but our flight was delayed. The next day, we tried for 2 ½ hours to get to him…but every route was flooded! I still hadn’t been able to see him, yet, when I got a text from him.

First let me say, my dad is a man of FEW words. (Sometimes, I think my mom and I stole all his words.) It doesn’t mean that he’s not engaged, it just means he’s quiet and his thoughts are mostly on the inside.

He texted, “When I saw you on TV this weekend, it reminded me of when we used to live out by the airport.” (That was 40 years ago.)

“Remember how we built that snowman during a snow storm? We sat you right in the middle and it made me really happy! I love you, Nicole.”

I just busted out with a flood of emotions and started blubbering like a baby!

Maybe you love or are trying to love someone who doesn’t show emotion very well. Sometimes, we think we’re giving them a compliment. “Nice job!” But they don’t even respond because it’s too vague and general.

When we really want to reach that person, emotionally, we need to be SPECIFIC with the details.

“I love that green shirt. That color looks so good on you. It really makes your green eyes stand out!”

Celebrating specific details of a person’s life is what will build relationships, promote closeness and maybe even bring out a FLOOD of EMOTIONS.

At the very least, it will make them feel like, “Hey…you really DO care about me!”

What’s a compliment you received that stuck in your head?

Has that compliment come back to you time and time again as something to lean on?

I want you to write it in the comments below for two reasons.
1 – I want you to hear something good about you today ????
2- let’s see what kind of compliments really stick with people and mean so much

Tell us yours!

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  1. Joan Agnes Wade says:

    Nicole, I totally agree with this. One comment that left a lasting impression on me was from my boss. I had never heard him say anything about what I do, and this past January, at our Vision Night for Group Leaders, he said in front of everyone, our lead Pastor, and the director of connections, how much he valued me, and how if it wasn’t for me he would be lost. That spoke volumes to me. I never knew what he was thinking, now I know. And in July I was out of town on vacation for almost 3 weeks and when I came back he hugged me and told me I was never to leave him for that long again. It really does feel good to know he cares!
    Side note: Just so you know, I am 63 and he is 37, I didn’t want you to think this was weird. 🙂

    • Nicole Crank says:

      You’re cracking me up! Everybody wants to be needs and needs to be wanted. This sounds like an AWESOME revelation of this!

  2. Diane says:

    i was promoted at my company and my bosses told me the reason I was promoted was because of my passion for my job. my passion for our customers, our suppliers and my fellow employees (in fact they told me sometimes I can be too passionate) my job is very stressful and it reflects in some of my actions at times but in the end…most all are satisfied.
    Some people are a little more difficult to please and those used to be the ones that I really worked even harder on.
    I used to really try to please everyone but have been reading a lot lately on how it is not in the best interest to please all here on earth but to please God above. In order to do that I have cut some people out of my surroundings.
    I try not to let the little things around me bother me…the petty little things that people say that bother me…I do struggle with that but I am starting to see the bigger picture and that gets me through

    thanks for todays message…you have no idea how much I needed it!!

  3. Teena says:

    You are a value to us and don’t ever forget it. We value what you do and we want to show you our appreciation (by paying me).

    It finally got through (my head) after time and time again, I dismissed my seemly insignificant contributions to a company I worked for.

  4. Mary Cannata says:

    I’m a breath if fresh air…

  5. Patrice Mole says:

    I remember a friend of mine telling me that I looked nice and I wasn’t expecting that from him. It made me feel good about myself. Honestly, I don’t receive much compliments, so it is always a surprise to me when I get one.

  6. Victoria says:

    I’ve been told I have a beautiful smile. It sticks with me because I’m a little insecure about my crooked teeth and gap. However, I’ve gotten this compliment multiple times and each time I feel myself smile a little bigger. ????

  7. Marinda says:

    Family tell me this-I am appreciated for all the things I do.

  8. I work in a deli and have to wear a hairnet and I am 61 so I’m already starting to feel old and a sweet little lady came up to me and said you’re are The only person I know that looks good in that hairnet I thought she was angel from above ❤️????????

  9. Monica says:

    the day before my granny passed, it was a Sunday and i had come to visit her before i went to work that evening. she would ALWAYS tell me how pretty i was, but this time was special. I didn’t know that it would be the last time i hugged, kissed or heard her voice. i know that she’s in a better place and I’ll see her again.

  10. Gloria deGeare says:

    I loved this story. My dad was also a man of few words but the words he chose made a difference. Mom might say “nice shirt”, dad would say “that’s a nice color on you” — big difference in how they made us feel – and in return, how we would feel about them. Thank you for this timely reminder. Always a message just for me. 🙂

  11. Deb Hansen says:

    I was walking into a grocery store this evening when a woman behind me told me that I had beautiful hair. She said it again and then told me she loved how naturally curly it was. It is so nice when a total stranger takes the time to give someone a verbal compliment rather than just thinking it. I thanked her and thought how the power of a compliment (kind words) can make someone feel good about themselves. I think it is so important that we can “speak” light and love to others and it should be so easy for us to do that but often we don’t. I am more determined now to speak that language to others, not only about outer appearance but also when I see someone building others up with kind words or actions.

  12. Crystal Jones says:

    You really help me to see the positive in things! You are truly an Angel ????

  13. Pastor Nicole,

    I just wanted to Thank you so much for your book! I had to go to the Hospital again, however I have learned to use some tools. By the way, Hope at the West Palm Bch location is one of the most wonderful people I have ever had the pleasure of speaking to. She is so comforting, and during this storm. I really couldn’t believe the wonderful people out there, it really shows us what people are capable of, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! I was so happy to hear that we are having service this weekend, I live in Delray Beach Florida so if anyone needs a ride to the Marriott in West Palm Beach FL, let me know. I need to give back, so many have been wonderful to me, I read your book again through page 63 and I love “I Won’t Quit”. Our lord is always with me. Thank you and our lord and Pastor David, everyone at Faith Church for bringing Our Lord back into focus.

  14. Inenice Pinney says:

    At a time when feeling not so attractive and having a discussion with friend about my new job offer she said “and you can wear all your super cute clothes” it has stuck with me to remind me I’m ok, looking pretty good after all.

  15. Evelyn Anderson says:

    HI Pastor Nicole and the Faith Church Family,

    I have a very big positive thing I want to share about me, I am alive, I am thinking more clearly, Irma woke me up in ways that I am grateful for. I hope everyone else is doing okay, once the dust settled in our house and I started cleaning up the inside the better I felt. When I first came home from the hospital it was a bit overwhelming. However, when I drove around the community, the people who live in the development I live in, the way that it brought people together was amazing. I have been ill for a while and I didn’t know how or if I should push my body to the limits I did over the last few days, but I did and the book you wrote got me through some really rough patches, couldn’t find any of my bibles and I have three. The gratitude that Faith Church has brought me for waking up to God again is amazing. So I am amazing, I am thoughtful, and if anyone needs transportation or help in anyway that is within my wheelhouse, WPB knows I am available and willing to help. Thank you God for always being there, even when I forgot.

  16. LP.Stewart says:

    Nothing like having a great daughter. LP.



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