When I go on vacation, I like to have a hotel reserved and know EXACTLY where I’m going to stay. Even if the plans change, I’d like to have the opportunity to make a new plan.
I just like knowing what’s going to happen. No surprises! I think it’s my way of trying to keep things under control. How about you?
CONTROL-such a funny word for such a crazy world! How much can we really control, anyway? Especially, if we’re committed to following God.
I’ve always loved this passage:
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
But it wasn’t until just recently, that I realized that my affinity for trying to control EVERYTHING might be getting in God’s way.
If His plans are different than mine, (and they are)
and they include things I don’t even know about yet. (and they do) I’m going to be better off doing things His way.
So, WHY do I still try to plan out every little detail?
God, I officially give You control. I commit to following You even when I don’t recognize the path.
I’m okay with NOT knowing because I trust that You’re always taking me to a better place!
Are there any other CONTROL FREAKS out there who will admit it? (Show me a raised-hand emoji.) Come on… I can’t be the only one!
????☺️ Love this, Pastor Nicole!
I always want control I need to work on it.
Is the Confessions cd still available?
Yes it is just go to Nicolecrank.com and sign up
LOL WOW what’s crazy is I’m the same way!!
I like to Think of it as I I’m just being aware of my surroundings and like to be prepared and organized!! ????
Pastor Nicole, we are similar when it comes to vacations. My vacations are usually coast to coast road trips or train travel. I will never fly. Before we leave St. Louis I know the fuel cost, what hotel we will be spending nights etc. Traveling through OK out on 44 the tornado siren went off. I had no idea what to do. I searched the sky nothing seem ominous and kept going. A few miles later I noticed these cars going past us and the spirit said follow them. We pulled off the interstate into what I thought was a rest stop. It was not it was storm shelter off the highway vey attractive building with a huge parking lot. People enter a room there is no sitting just standing. There were several of these rooms. We stood shoulder to shoulder about 15-20 together. I noticed the two of us were the only Black people. I was praying silently and I think somebody started a hymn By and By. My plans did not include a stay over in OK but we spent the night there, Wichita was my first lay over. It took a storm warning from God to change my plans. Met and sang a hymn with a bunch of White people. Awesome experience.