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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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God Picked Me!


October 29, 2018


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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In junior high, I was always one of the first ones picked for whatever team sport we were playing in the gym. (Everyone wants the tall girl on their team for basketball or volleyball.)

But, whenever we went outside to play softball, I always ended up batting LAST! I was barely even on the team. I really wasn’t picked, on purpose. I was just the one left over!

I think a lot of us feel like that.

We don’t think we’re good enough for what we’re supposed to be doing. We don’t feel like we’ve been intentionally picked.

Sometimes, I get opportunities that I really want and I’m thankful to God that He gives them to me. But, I still don’t feel like I’m truly qualified.

Like, “Hey God, they picked me… NOW, what do I do?”

The problem is, we’re looking at our abilities and He’s looking at our CALLING!

  • Has God called you to forgive someone you don’t want to?
  • Has He called you to pray in public?
  • Has He called you to lead a small group?

If we can imagine ourselves doing it without God’s help, then it’s not exercising our faith. And if it’s not FAITH… then it really doesn’t please Him.

Who am I to try and do these things ALONE, anyway?

When we finally admit that we’re nothing without God and just allow Him to operate through us, we become so MUCH MORE than we could ever hope to be on our own!



Do you ever feel totally unqualified? I’m not the only one, RIGHT? If it happens to you, please let me know I’m not alone!


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  1. Belinda says:

    Amen Pastor Nicole, I am so with you right about a few things. I don’t feel qualified for these things and feel guilty because I feel this way.

  2. Ericka Miller says:

    No ur not the only one. Very weird things have been happening to me!UNCOMMON getting chosen for things no one ever really noticed I was good at. ???? then it’s like I’ve waited so long i put too much thought into it & I get all nervous!

  3. Jill says:

    YOU are in the RIGHT place! You have no idea how you minister to me. I am about to graduate in 2 days with a Nurse Practitioner degree and wow! your words were straight from God! I have always been a go getter and I wanted to open a banquet hall (lotsa money) and school for nurse practitioner (God’s hand to heal). I really, really wanted to do the banquet hall because I was good at all the things to make it go! Before I started any journey, I asked what God wanted me do do first. God said he wanted me to school for nurse practitioner. We had a discussion, you know one those where my hip nearly gets busted, so I ended up in NP school and it has been quite a Journey! God has been here all the way. I kept inquiring why he wouldn’t let me do the banquet hall first (actually, it was burst fits) and he finally gave me an answer when I least expected it. He said “You have all the talent to do the banquet hall and that journey would have taken you away from ME instead of bringing you closer.” I had to get into my NP Journey to understand what he finally said to me and that is why it took so long to for Him to answer. And YES! his SUPER is on my natural to get the job done. Love and kisses to you and yours.

  4. Louis says:

    This just Blessed me,I was just recently nominated to be the head of the children ministry in our church and I feel so unqualified.God Bless you pastor Nicole and David Crank

  5. Jean Copeland says:

    Thanks Nicole for this message.
    I am learning daily how to trust God. Your message at Turningpoint made a difference for me. It feels great to know God is always there and CARES ABOUT ME.

  6. Sitrena says:

    You are not alone
    I am experiencing this same season in these very same areas I’m committed to allowing God full access to my life but it’s not easy keep me in prayer

  7. Marinda Ferrell says:

    There was an old Coke Cola slogan that said everything goes better with coke. I enjoy an icy cold classic coke, Everything about my life is better with God than without him. I’m soon to be a 70 years old Black American M.Ed whose children is yet on God’s earth, as their parents has never had to go visit in jail or prison, never had to sit beside their sick bed due to serious illness or drug usage. I can’t spew scriptures from every chapter and verse; what I can do is call upon the Lord and he answers my call. Children 50-42; grandchildren 32-11; great grandchildren 7 years -3 days old, married 51-years same man. stage 4 Lymphoma 5-years remission. A list of blessings to long to share and my life is definitely better with God and that is priceless,

  8. Dorothy Davis says:

    I there are alot of times i dont feel like iam good enough or worthy enough. Been working on trusting the Father that His approval is all i need.

  9. Wyvonia S Neal says:

    I have always felt that I am not qualifed to do anything for God. I do not know what he wants me to do.

  10. Rev. Dr. Edith Lazenby says:

    Believe me you are not alone. how you feel, I don’t feel like I am qualified for the things I do,



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