I opened my bible this morning and it opened to 1 Samuel 10 and I kinda chuckled. Not your normal response to opening the bible I guess. I was like, ‘really God’? He probably laughed in heaven and said, “Yeah, really”.
Why? (you’re probably wondering). Because a few days ago my husband brought me this same passage and was so excited about how God was speaking to him through it. I read it. I thought “I GOT IT”. But obviously not….God brought it back to me again.
I think we give way too much credit to coincidence and circumstance in life, when actually God is in heaven orchestrating our footsteps and directing our paths.
God says GO through Samuel so many different times in this passage. GO – stop doing the thing you are ‘being busy about right now’, leave me and head to the first place/stop/level I have for you. You’ll find that the busy work can happen without you. Huh? Without me?
I can get so distracted through the little things that I think HAVE to happen or the world will collapse. I mean, how dirty does a house have to get before the earth actually stops rotating? Or if I don’t personally meet with each of the people that want my attention (whether kids, colleagues or friends) then life might get derailed, right? God says NO. GO.
You Have To GO The First Time Just To Show Him And You That You Will. Obedience.
And GOing once isn’t enough. He says GO again. Really, AGAIN God? Yep.
And the second time Saul GOes, honor and provision come (some anyway, not a lifetime supply). Just because you followed God once and not much seemed to happen. GO AGAIN. See what happens. See what God brings.
God tells Saul (the leader to be raised up) through Samuel (we all gotta listen to somebody) KEEP GOing. And this time Saul makes divine connections. And through these divine connections, Saul is turned into another man.
God Wants To Turn Us Into Another Man. Increase Us. Grow Us. Take Us To The Next Level. Will We GO?
Everything doesn’t happen because we were obedient to listen, to obey, to GO one time. It is a process. A journey. And we can get off and stop any place that we want. Don’t stop! GO.
And THEN Saul is told to GO and worship, sacrifice and give offerings. He does that. He’s used to it. It’s who he is. It is the posture that made him usable in the first place. Making sure we make time to GO worship is key!
And Saul is called to GO one more time. But this time he can’t be found. He’s hiding.
He Was Scared
He was afraid that he couldn’t do all that God was asking him to do. And frankly, he ’s right. He can’t. And neither can we. Alone. But with God, and His anointing – we can do ALL that God is calling us to do!
We can’t see it in us. But God can. We don’t believe it about us. But God does. We want to hide from it, but if we do – we miss it.
GO and don’t stop. GO and do ALL God is telling you to do. GO and when you get ‘there’, be ready to GO again. On your mark, get set, GO!
love it!