Better days are ahead!
Last year was an amazing year.
It provided many positive and a few not so positive experiences.
I’m thankful for each one.
After all, without experience, we would never learn.
Today, I want to share with you eleven things I learned in 2011.
Some of the these I learned by observing others. Others I figured out the hard way.
- Self Confidence
- Family
- Self
- Entertainment
- Attitude
- Gravity
- Helping Someone Else Have a Good Day
- Chit Chat
- At work
- Friendship
- God
We all want to be needed and need to be wanted.
No matter how much you build up those around you, you can do it more. Just think about how many days we doubt ourselves and don’t tell anyone.
Sow seeds of self-confidence in others and watch the harvest in our own lives. The best part is you don’t even have to carry these seeds in your briefcase.
Family is more important than almost anything. Putting a brick on your kid’s head won’t keep them from growing up!
Even as fast as we have grown, we’re never too big for our momma to hold.
Hint: call your momma.
Our babies will never be too big to hold (even if they are 6’3” and 220 lbs).
An important part of life is taking time for yourself. It’s not selfish. It’s necessary for sanity!
I repeat – no feeling bad for taking some time for you!
If we don’t take care of ourselves, then we can’t take care of anyone else.
It’s okay to get up and walk out of a bad movie. It won’t hurt anyone’s feelings.
Buying the ticket did not obligate us to that time. Go see a different movie, or go out to eat, or go shopping and enjoy it!
Patience isn’t a virtue… it’s a must.
An angry outburst never made anyone feel better (the shouter or the listener).
Oh… and I wouldn’t trade a truly laugh out loud moment for $100!
What was once up starts, remarkably, tugging down (even in places I didn’t know could go down).
I should be okay with that. Next year, I hope to blog that I am. But this year, I am fighting it tooth and nail (the only two places that are currently not being tugged).
As bad as we want someone to make our day with good news… everyone else wants that too.
Giving someone good news about something as small as their outfit can make a huge difference in their day.
Words weigh a ton… whether they are the right words or the wrong ones.
Whether we mean them or not.
Words said in jest, without a second thought, or in passing, can crush someone.
We usually think we are ready for something before we are–that will challenge us right there to take an honest personal assessment.
No matter your job, current challenge, or where you are in life, you can love it if you want to.
Obviously work is full of challenges!
A real friend is difficult to find and is worth solid gold. We don’t have to talk every day, every week, or even every month.
They encourage one another to be all that they can be and when they do well, we don’t get jealous (and they are never jealous of us either).
A true friend has permission to speak into our life and never has to apologize for what they say.
They even have permission to let us know when those jeans don’t do us any justice. Thank you friends!
Life without Him isn’t worth living.
I have known this for years, but what I am realizing is that I still go minutes and hours a day without talking to Him. This is really still living life without Him.
I want God in every part of every minute of my life.
What did you learn?
What is something you learned this year, either in your life or by watching others, that was important enough for you to remember and write here?
This is your chance to let us learn from what you have learned.
All of the events in our life…positive or negative lead us to who we are. When we reflect on them it allows us to grow as individuals. If we do not reflect on our experiences we are missing out on positively impacting and changing our lives.
Great blog!
Angie – and reflecting on others lives allows us to gain wisdom for free! No judging and many times not even commenting, but quietly learning from those around us all the time.
Wow! Thank you for this! I definitely learned to keep pushing through the bad to get to the great! Consistency is a must! Remain faithful doing the do!
Looking forward to what 2012 has…even the really big challenges!
Debbie – A smart man once said ‘Consistency is the key to the breakthrough.” I have never seen that principle be wrong.
I learned so much Sunday night from Pastor Steve. His message truly moved me to start my own Resolution for a Global Revolution and I written a new blog about it and have challenged all of my friends to join me and to challenge all of their friends. I am looking for 4.9 billion women to stand heel to toe, back to chest…to save one person and then that percentage that Pastor Steve shared with us Sunday night will be a great big ZERO!!!! Loved your post Pastor Nicole and I am going to share it with my friends on facebook. Thanks for another great message from God!!!
I love it Patti! Set the World on Fire!
I learned, or rather, relearned, that it is ok to set boundaries with others. Even though God wants us to help others, he doesn’t want us to do it in a way that makes us a slave to other people’s problems. It is ok to say “No, I can’t solve that problem for you, but I know who can and I will pray that He helps you!”
Also, I learned that sometimes helping others isn’t really helping. I have to be careful to not step in and solve people’s problems for them! God has a plan and I need sometimes to just step out of the way. Before helping others, I say a little prayer to God asking for His wisdom and guidance, and then, here is the part I learned, I LISTEN. That is the tough part!
I am so grateful to God for Faith Church and the free training I get each week in how to live my life, how to walk God’s path, how to think successfully, and how to enjoy each day. Thank you for always teaching people to be positive, to reach out to others, and to enjoys God’s love. That is the best message that Faith Church sends out and I am so glad to be able to support that.
Thanks Pastor Nicole for this blog! You are a peach!
Rachael – That listening part can be TOUGH! I like to listen in a hurry too. But God doesn’t always speak in a hurry.
I learned last year to get myself off my mind and it’s NOT always about me. Help, pray and be there for others.
Kimberly – what a mature outlook 🙂
I’ve learned that God’s redeeming love and mercy are never-ending, and that He will never leave us if we call out to Him. People mistakenly think God and His favor leave them, but the truth is we leave God. We run from Him trying desperately to solve our own problems when we should be giving Him our everything. God’s love and mercy are powerful if we just reach out to Him for it!
David – true words!
This is great stuff Nicole, thank you for writing it.
Thanks for commenting Kyle!
Great honesty!! One thing I have learned is that life really isn’t as serious as we make it and one moment or decision can change everything.
Phil C – Life isn’t as serious as we make it. EXCELLENT point!
I learned to listen and obey when God and/or the Holy Spirit speaks. Don’t waiver or wait, just obey. It pleases God when we mind Him. I know I want God pleased with me…….lol. The one day I didn’t obey the spirit to offer prayer for someone who was in pain because I was a rush and had a lot on my mind that day, I regretted it. Nothing went right and I was late for every appointment I had. I couldn’t find parking, I locked my keys in my car at a yard sale. It was not a good day. I felt so convicted for not offering prayer and comfort when I should have, I asked Gods forgiveness and vowed to never ignore what I know to do for Gods kingdom. God is good and He is on a mission to raise me up right! lol Be blessed!
Tricia –
That is a tall order Tricia! I endeavor to be faithful in obedience as well. Endeavor is the word I use because I still mess up…
I learn that when you find out you have cancer, life isn’t over. I seen in 2011 that I picked a wonderful Man and I pick Wonderful Friends.
I learn too Say Thank you and I love you. I learn that God was still Teaching me thing and I needed to slow down and listen.
Happy New Years everyone
Faith Church Rocks
Barbara – WOW! That is amazing. YOU are amazing.
I learned that how to become a better person. I learned how to be at peace. I have learned alot about Jesus I never knew and how to let Jesus have control and I feel more happy and I’m living in harmony. I also learned making someone feel good or make them smile it’s really worth alot. And makes me feel incredible inside. Thanks Pastor Nicole for you sharing and teachings..
Rainy –
I am the same way. Making someone else smile always makes me smile as well. I sow and immediately reap!
I learned that if you trust God and give Him your 10% like we all should, you’ll be better off than ever before!! Love you all, Happy New Year…. <3
Bea, I learned the same thing!
I liked this so much I decided to add another comment. What I learned probably more than anything else in 2011 is that no human is capable of growing Jesus’ church. There is something supernatural and intangible that simply must take place for it to happen. Even though God’s will is not for all churches to be the same size and numbers don’t necessarily mean a church is healthy, it is incredible to watch God miraculously build up His body.
To be honest, I think I did a lot of me working hard last year expecting it to pan out to growth. God convicted me clearly that it’s HIS church, and only He can do the building that needs to happen. I don’t think I’ll ever not work hard at it, but I have a new perspective for sure.
It’s amazing by the way to see all the Lord has been doing at faith church from a distance!
Great post Nicole! You and your husband are awesome. My wife and I go to Potential Church and she is always talking about what u said at the women’s conference. This year I learned that I don’t have to be fearful of success. I am a motivational speaker and coach, but I didn’t think it was possible for me to succeed because I didn’t have a degree. I stopped trying before I started trying because I didn’t think I was worthy of success. I would even pass on speaking opportunities because I didn’t think I deserved them. I recently wrote a book, started speaking more and more, and finally stopped being Mr. Self Sabotage. Thanks for sharing in your post. I encourage you and your husband to speak to more and more people because what you say truly has an impact on people. People like you helped me get over the conflict that was causing me to miss out on the abundant life God has for me.
In 2011, I prayed for several things to happen in my life and my prayers were answered, but because I wasn’t grateful and made terrible decisions most ofthe things I prayed for got taken away from me. Feeling down and out I realized that I shoud’ve been grateful or that me not being grateful got ke where I’m at.
I have learned to completely surrender and Trust in the LORD he truly answers prayers, maybe not today but don’t give up; when you ask, continually say “LORD if it be your will” please answer my prayer. After 15 years I finally met an amazing Godly man and he surpasses my long “Wish List” Imagine that! I knew when he sent it, it would be great!
Love your Blog!