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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Happy Mother’s Day


May 10, 2012


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Nicole Crank family

I texted my mom yesterday.

Because that’s what people my age do–we text.

Then my mom called me. Because that’s what people my mom’s age do. 🙂

I wanted to know what my mom wanted to do for Mother’s Day.

Then she turned the tables on me. She said, “You’re a mom too. What do you want to do?”

I wasn’t prepared for that question.

I realize I am a mother too… like my mom… like many of you, but somehow I don’t think of myself so much on Mother’s Day. How about you?

As a mom, it’s not very often that I think about what I want to do. I just do.

I do family. I do things where they are. We do church together. We watch the kids do their activities together. We shop together. We do family time together. We do school activities together. We eat together… a lot (not that we actually eat that much at one sitting, but we eat often together).

We do life together.

I guess that’s what it is to be a mom. Whether it is my mom with me or me with Austin and Ashtyn. Basically, you just want to be where they are.

Austin is getting ready to graduate from college. He has lived at home through college since UMSL is only 30 minutes away. I have to admit, when he made the decision to attend college 30 minutes from the house, my heart leaped!

That’s because a momma wants to be by her babies.

Now that he is graduating, I am gearing up my emotions for him to move out. Some days I actually feel my heart steeling up just a little bit so that I can handle it.

Can you relate?

God is as much male as he is female. He is our Father and our Mother. Sometimes we don’t think about how God wants to be around us… just like our momma does.

  • He wants to be at work with us and at home with us.
  • He wants to eat together and shop together.
  • He wants to have “family time” with us.

When I think about how I want to be around my babies… I finally get it.

The Bible says:

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.

You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. These things I command you, that you love one another.

–John 15:13-17 (NKJV)

Isn’t this a great reason to set aside time for God in the mornings? And isn’t this a great reason to talk to Him throughout the day?

Because what He wants more than anything is the same thing I want… and my momma wants. God wants time with His babies.

Think about how much you want to be with the people you love, then imagine that God wants to be with you so much more than that!

Introduce Me to Your Family

We all have stories we love to tell about our children. If you have kids, then in the comments below, tell me all about them.

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  1. Angie Jones says:

    I have four wonderful children who make me smile, make me laugh, and I am blessed to be a part of their lives!

  2. Debbie V says:

    Wow! Love this. I always joke with AJ (ok sometimes I’m not really kidding) about him needing to move out again. But the first time he actually moved out on his own, I’m not going to lie, it got me. I missed knowing he was ok. Even though I knew he was I felt like I needed to see he was! I needed him to call and check in with me! Guess that’s kinda like God…He wants us to call and check in with Him daily and often!

  3. Lindy says:

    Bless you that made me raise my hand to God in thankfulness. We serve an awesome God. My son still lives in Ireland. My husband and I and my youngest son emigrated to New Zealand 4 years ago, our daughter had just finish University and had accepted a England . She joined us after she had gained a years work experience, she loves New Zealand. Our youngest son turned 20 and has just left home and gone flatting with friends. My thoughts this mothering Sunday are with my son in Ireland, I know we only have our kids for a short while but they are suppose to leave us not the other way round? I know God is looking after him and that contents me, he has a form of Autism, has a fabulous job but no friends or social life. My heart hurts!

  4. Felicia Ferreira says:

    I am a momma of three and yes, I love telling stories of my babies, lol… My oldest, Daniel is 11 yrs old. He is super smart, athletic and good looking (he got it from me)… Very proud of him! This is his last year in elementary and heading to middle school. It’s hard because he is growing up so fast! Where did the time go? Then, I have my middle princess, Devoni, who is 6. She loves to jump and jump on our sofas in the family room all the time… (yup)and plays a lot with her little sister, Daniela. They spend a lot of time together.. playing mother, teacher or Dcotor… Next you know they will be teens.. (starting to cry here) And lastly, the baby in the house, Daniela , who is 3 yrs old.. and gets ALL the attention. She is one who is bossy, lol but smiles all the time and repeatly says I LOVE YOU… (awww) I really enjoy my children. They are so precious and valuable to me. Happy Mothers Day to all of you. Many Blessings, Felicia

  5. Lori says:

    Happy Mother’s Day Pastor Nicole. You sure know how to get woman to open up, just ask them about their children. Well I will introduce you to the Brickey kids. Melissa is my first born, we call her our miracle baby. My husband and I prayed to have a child and we just knew I was pregnant, but when I went to my doctor, they told me I was not, and they would take an all day test to make sure. Well I went home, opened my bible, and repeated over and over “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all shall be added unto you”.
    later that day I received my phone call, I was pregnant! My second Child, was Jason. He was born with no complications. We brought him home, and I tried breast feeding, it seemed to be going well. When I took him to his first doctor appointment, they said he had lost a lot of weight, and he would need to be hospitalized. They took so many test, and thought it might be his liver function. But I knew better, I knew through Christ Jesus, that the Lord had it all under control, Jason would be healed completely. I remember I could not eat one bite, until I knew Jason was eating. He began taking formula, and just like I believed Jesus, They could find nothing wrong with him, and sent Jason home. Five years later, I was looking at a family picture we just had taken of the four of us. Melissa was 10, Jason 5, Don, and myself were in the picture. For some reason in my gut I was longing for something more, the picture seemed it was missing a person. There was an opening in the middle that was blank. I truly saw another child in that picture. I told my husband, my mom, sisters, and they all thought I had the perfect family, a girl, and a boy, but the longing never left me. Don’t ever try to change a mom’s mind when her heart has heard from the Holy Spirit. There was no changing my mind. So Don and I conceived Joshua 6 month’s later. He has brought me such joy, and has taught me so much more about Jesus’ love for us. Thank you Pastor Nicole for asking me to share with you my greatest blessings for Mother’s Day. Bless you !

  6. Brandy Wells says:

    I am the mom of a blended family of 5 kids. I love them and want them with me as much as possible. It’s not easy to please everyone all the time, but I sure try without losing myself in life. Ryan is the oldest (15 1/2)and I love him for his individuality and strong will. He obviously didn’t get that from me because I’m his step mom. I like to think he has a mind all his own not waivering and very strong. Good for you I say to him! Jacob (13) is very mature for his age and a sensitive soul. Loving and sweet. You would think he was mine too, but I’m just the step mom. Although he loves me like I’m his and it makes me feel good. Then their’s Emma. Already 10 years old! I’ve been her mom for about 7 years now and girls are definitely different than boys!! I tell her she’s got my ear lobes and my eye brows!!Joyful, dramatic, loving, driven…Never a dull moment. Jack is also 10 years old and just a week younger than Emma. U guessed it… This one actually came from me! He’s smart, independent, and loves video games. I adore his smile. He’s a good boy and a worry wart,like me! I like to think of Chloe as my little baby, she’s 8. I’ve been her mom since she was 15 months old. She’s the smartest little thing and just keeps everything neat and tidy. She’s beautiful and will go far. I’m sure of that! So to each of them I hope I do right by you and lead u to be god fearing good people because I care and love u do much!! U all have taught me so much. I know you’ve made me a better mom than I could ever imagine!! Xoxoxoxo

  7. Shirley Cumberland says:

    Please Pray for me and my daughter we are going though a lot right now Im not shere what is going to happen in the next few months. The man who I have been dating for three years and my daughter conisers to be her dad are going in different diretions. I am wolking by fath and trying to live each day for God knowing that he is in controle. Im just skaired im going to lose my house because of finaces and being a singul mom agen after three years is a big change for us bouth. I went to my boss and explained what was goin on and ask if they could rase my pay and give me more Hours in the hopes of saving the house and keeping a roff over my childs and my head. But thangs arent so ease when your a shelter worker.I dont even Know if they can do any thang about my rate of pay are not wating for an anser is so heard. Im so for in deabt and it all ready felt like a up hill fight befor all this but I Know God has a plan.Thank you for being the woman you are and for lisening.


  8. KimP says:

    I read your blog whenever I know there is a post. My husband and I attended Faith Church before we moved 4 and half years ago. We tried for 7 years and lost 5 babies before conceiving our first living child Alexandria. She is 8 and had a very strong personality, she is very smart and beautiful, and I know God has amazing plans for her. 9 months after giving birth to her we found out we were going to have another baby, and this time it was twins. Unfortunately at 10w we lost one, but I then gave birth to my son Ephraim. Ephraim is 7 now, and is so handsome and so smart. Both of my children are very tenderhearted and have already accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. I am so happy that God has blessed me with these children.

  9. kimberly fielder says:

    Our child’s story is a bit different, you see I was told by a few ob/gyn I was never to have children due to injuries and other issues. September 81 I went to the Dr. due to flu like symptoms, and he said I would get better in 9 months, at first I thought what the heck do I have..then it dawned on me OMG I was pregnant, and I loved being pregnant and he was really late, he was suppose to be born 4-28-82 but instead he arrived 6-18-82. I guess God had other plans for us and Christopher will be 30 this June, he loves the Lord with all his heart and self taught himself to play drums and the guitar, he also plays at his church on Sundays.
    Christopher heart desire is in the computer field and he graduated from college this past December. We love our son and we’re so proud of him

  10. Melissa Lamson says:

    We have a blended family, a total of 4 children. They are all grown and on their own now, ages 27-33. We have 3 GORGEOUS granddaughters ages 8 mos, 4 years and 11 years. We are so blessed and being a mom and “maw maw” has definitely been the most rewarding role of my life.

  11. Barb Grote says:

    Happy Mothers Day Pastor Nicole,My story of my life is a little bit like yours.I was married and had two children by my first husband,my son Willie and my daughter Dawn.When my daughter was six months she passed away of Sids.Needless to say my marriage ended,so I took my son and moved on.Not long after I left my other life behind I met my husband that I’m married to now,we’ve been married for 32 years but been togeather for 38 years,and he is the love of my life and the father of three of my children.We have a son 32,twin daughters 26 which are both going to have babies and become momma’s theirselves this year.I’m so happy to be the momma of my children,plus I have three grandchildren ages,13,13,16.My oldest son Willie was in an accident two years ago and lost his life at the age of 38,so as a mother that has had heartaches and heartbreaks,I’m proud to say thank you God for all my children and I love them all dearly and I’m always smiling remembering all the memories I have had with each one of them.No matter their age,they are always making memories for me that I am proud of each and everyone of them and will love them forever:)

  12. Doris Blanton says:

    Nicole, As I sat in the Sunday morning service, I couldn’t help thinking that I had my 3 children sitting in the pew next to me with my husband, my son in law, and my 2 week old grandson (my 8th grandchild). I was happy because the day before, my daughter graduated from Southeast University with the highest honor anyone could get. Then, my heart became saddened because my oldest son and family was not there. You see, he, his wife, and their 4 children had moved away not leaving a forwarding address or phone number. M husband and I have helped raise their kids and also supported them both financially and any way that we could. Then came the song,”Momma.” My tears welled up because that was the very song that my son had stated that this was our song after he had gotten out of boot camp from the Army. God knew that I wasn’t fulfilled that day and so he reminded me that yes, my son was there sitting next to me maybe not in the flesh, but in my memories of that song. When we had the first Saturday service at the Sunset campus, I placed a picture of his family at the bottom of the cross knowing that one day soon, he too will return to us. This coming Sunday, I have my youngest son graduating from Fox High School and planning on attending college 1 1/2 hours away. I know that it will be hard and filled with tears as the others left but God got us through the other 3 and he will be just as faithful now as he was then. Thank you for all of the hard work and prayers that you and David bestow on us, your sheep. You are really special to our family. Thanks for allowing me to share this with you.



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