Our Christmas Tree
I would move the little snowflake, day by day, one step closer to the goal of 25 (which is where my little calendar stopped).
As a child, it seemed like the tree would be in the house for ages.
The gifts under the tree were there just to tempt me to peak inside.
I have to admit I did at least a time or two. Sorry mom.
Pressure of the Season
Now I hear 19 days until Christmas and I beak out in a slight panic!
Cards to send out, goodies to bake, lights to hang, house to decorate, programs to attend, tree to put up, parties to be seen at, presents to buy… and wrap.. and bow… and label… and ship.
I think I am breaking a stress sweat just thinking about it. Unfortunately for me – it doesn’t look anything like a glow!
The preacher’s house can’t be the only house on the street with no Christmas lights! Talk about pressure!
Okay, you might not relate. You might hang loose until December 24, pick up a few gifts that look like they will work and toss them in some gift bags. And you are also probably a single male in his twenties. Just sayin…
The pressure to make the season magic. The pressure to not disappoint. The pressure to make it what we remember as children. Were my parents this busy?
I can see how, in this season, it is easy to lose sight of the purpose – the reason for the season.
Reason for the Season
In Luke 2 it talks about some shepherds on a hillside having an angelic encounter and hearing the news of the Savior being born. The angel said “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.”
Then the shepherds hurried to find the Christ child. They left the busyness of their job. They didn’t care about party clothes or décor. They just hurried to find Christ.
And once they found Him, they told everyone what had happened. Profound.
Go Tell It on the Mountain
I find each year that I scale back a little more on the hub bub of the season and focus a little more on what the shepherds did.. telling everyone what had happened.
The shepherds really got it. They latched on. They celebrated His birth in the best way. And they didn’t even have icicle lights hanging on their houses!
This year our family is spending over twenty nights preparing for and performing in a production that truly tells everyone what Christ did for us.
This is a different kind of a tradition than I was raised in – but I couldn’t be more proud of my children as they participate every year. This has become our own Christmas tradition… celebrating according to Luke 2:17.
Join Us for Believe
There are only a two opportunities left for you to see what we have been working on. All the original dates have sold out (the tickets are free).
If you are in the St. Louis area, and you have not signed up for tickets to our Christmas production, there are a handful of tickets remaining for Wednesday, December 7 and Saturday, December 10.
These shows are an excellent opportunity for you to tell someone the real story of Christmas.
Click here to get your tickets now before they are all gone.
Help us tell someone the good news!
Beautiful message, Pastor Nicole………..just perfect!
Believe was wonderful Sunday afternoon. Everyone should go see for themselves the magic of this beautiful production.
Is there going to be a cd of this production? It is unfortunate that I won’t be able to attend either one of the last 2 productions. The one and only that I would have been able to attend due to working situation was sold out. I pray that you will have these for sale.
We will offer a DVD and CD of the performances! So, I encourage you to pick one up from our Resource Center.
Also, wanted to be sure that you know we added two performances if you may be able to attend one of them: December 7, 2011 at 7:00 pm at Earth City and December 10, 2011 at 6:33 pm at our Sunset Hills Campus.
The Christmas Production was breath taking..Entertaining and a Learning exsperiece that my Granddaughter is still talking about this Morning. I love your blogs and find them a great example of how all of our lives are so similar. Thanks so much for sharing and Thanks for the Christmas Production last night at Faith Church..Much Love from The Meeks Family
SOOOOOO proud of our Christmas production team – loved this. Great read!!!!!!
Hey nicole how u doin I’ll probalby will come to the saturday Dec.24 service I’ll see I don’t know. See u soon.
Potential Church Cooper City is ways away from St. Louis but I’d love to watch. Will you be streaming live during the last 2 shows? If so, what time are they scheduled for?
We will be live streaming our Christmas Productions: Tuesday, December 6 at 7:00 pm at Sunset Hills Campus, Wednesday, December 7 at 7:00 pm at Earth City Campus, and Saturday, December 10th at 6:33 pm at our Sunset Hills Campus.
I hope that you can log on and watch! It is an awesome production!
The Christmas Production is phenomenal! A true blessing to watch. The cast and crew has spent countless hours practicing and preparing and it shows from the costumes to the set to the many smiles on the faces of our church family!
Love Faith Church St Louis!
Hey everybody just wanted to share a note I know first hand how much Faith church needs and appreciates their volunteers I have been attending for about 4 years now and 6 months into my experience I started volunteering im not mentioning my departments cause its not a bragging session but I just really wanted folks to know volunteering is just an awesome extention of what you get on a Saturday night or any service on Sundays, people tend to think oh what can I do or oh someone else can do that but let me please tell you how awesome it is to do anything for God and his house it is amazingly fulfilling when you work along side of our Father giving of yourself and your time you experience a whole new level of intimacy with God it is amazing what he can show you when your not so concerned with doing whatever needs help and i’ll be honest sometimes it can feel like another job however when I start to feel like that God always shows me how i’m in a better place because i’ve put him first and i pray through the tiredness and Bam there it is… i’ve prayed through instead of just being a couch potato or something like that it is very rewarding and i have a great sense of accomplishment when i’ve gotten to do something for My Father . I really want to encourage everyone to give volunteering a chance you meet some of the best people you’ll ever know . Thank You !!!