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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Take Nothing For Granted


November 21, 2018


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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On a recent Saturday morning, I’d just finished making breakfast for the family.  I was standing at my kitchen sink getting ready to do dishes. (So far, it doesn’t sound very exciting, does it?)

That’s kind of what I was feeling, too. Dishes. Again? Woohoo. (Said with intense sarcasm.)

And that’s when it HIT ME!

Ashtyn’s turned 15 this month. She’s growing up SO fast! Before long, Austin and Morgan will be fixing meals for their OWN kids, at their own house. God only knows how many more breakfasts that I’ll get to make for MY family!

What was I THINKING?

I was grumbling and complaining on the inside when, honestly, I should’ve been saying:

·       Thank God, that David and I still love being together!

·       What a privilege, that we have these great children!

·       How fantastic, that they are so happy and healthy!

·       What an honor, that our kids still want to hang out with us!

God, I’m sorry for taking for granted the seemingly normal and everyday BLESSINGS that I’m surrounded with.

None of us knows, exactly, how many more family breakfasts we’ll get to make in our own kitchens.

But, I do know this; in the big scheme of things, it will never seem like ENOUGH!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Now it’s your turn. Which of God’s blessings have you taken for granted or even grumbled about? Share here, and let’s be thankful together!

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  1. Marinda Ferrell says:

    I needed this message today. God bless my pastors and family. Happy bless Thanksgiving.

  2. Sibonisiwe Mazula (nee Dube) says:

    Getting up in the morning alive is a big blessing and knowing that my children are alive regardless of where, who and what they are doing. And I am grateful of yesterday, today and forever.

  3. Michele DeFrance says:

    Thankful for a roof over my head until Friday!
    God will come through after that!

  4. Dave Goodson says:

    Good morning, that is absolutely correct, we take life for granted including every breath we take. God has enriched our lives with loved ones we need to cherish them as every day is the last. If we have any issues with them we need to make it right including any friends or even co-workers. Be praying for your family every day!

  5. Kelley Lowe says:

    Definitely family and being a mom… my kids are growing so fast and I find myself often complaining about having to do dishes and having to do laundry etc etc ….. thank you for the post ! I want to be able to stop and breath and enjoy my kids 🙂

  6. Ruthie Salgado says:

    Very true and very beautiful!! Sometimes we get caught up on our busy lives and we don’t take that moment just to be thankful for the things we have.

  7. Very well said I needed that reminder this morning

  8. Brenna Henson says:

    I’ve been feeling very sorry for myself because I’m having a particularly tough time financially right now BUT!!! Today I’ve decided to take the little money I have and make dinner for the homeless who live under the bridge near my work. I have a home, a warm bed, a loving family, and a God who gives me strength and hope everyday. There are so many people wishing for the blessings I already have so today I will give to those who are struggling more than I. Thank you for your message

  9. Stephanie says:

    I live in NC and got home from Atlanta on Sunday night. I’m now on the road to Orlando. My body is tired having to do so much to prepare for Thanksgiving, yet I get to spend to with my family! I’m honestly thankful!

  10. Very true words my friend!

  11. I am thankful for all that God has done for me, and especially for the fact that I can breathe. I had a PE blood clot in my lungs and other parts of my body. God has healed me, The enemy wanted to take me out, but God had other plans. I am so grateful to God for all He has done. Being single I am thankful for my relatives and friends, being in my right mind, and especially for God saving me.

  12. Donnise Davis says:

    I’m thankful We got to host Thanksgiving dinner that year. Even despite the mess to clean up afterwords. ❤️

  13. Amen! Very very true and happy you came to that realization before, rather than after i.e. after the kids were already gone!



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