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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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The Energy of Expectations


January 10, 2018


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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My daughter, Ashtyn, is always LATE. Not only, was she late in terms of, we couldn’t get pregnant to have her…but she also arrived late!

She was due on Thanksgiving, but no one in the family wanted to have their holiday interrupted.

So I decided, I’m going to fix this late girl’s problem! We are SCHEDULING her birth, Monday morning, 6:00 am!

We lived 35 minutes away, so I had to get up at 4:30 in the morning. When we got to the hospital, the nurse told us,

“We don’t have a bed for you. Can you come back in a couple of hours?” And PS. Pregnant woman… “Don’t EAT!”

That’s the devil!

Well, two hours turned into FOUR. Four hours turned into SIX. Six hours turned into EIGHT. Eight hours turned into TEN. Ten hours turned into TWELVE!

Pregnant woman ain’t supposed to eat! (Sorry about the grammar.)

FINALLY, around 6:00 pm they said they had a bed for me. I said, “YOU BETTER, OR ELSE I’M GONNA EAT ONE!!!

I had to release all my pent-up energy about Ashtyn coming. (My sincere apologies to the nursing staff!)

We all have bottled up energy inside of us: over the promotion, involving the kids, about the new house or toward finding a spouse.

WHY hasn’t this worked out for us, yet?

Then, when our expectation isn’t met according to OUR timeline; the energy of what WAS our expectation can suddenly become our enemy!

So, while we’re in our waiting period, we can’t let doubtful words come out of our mouths.

Keep the faith and RELAX! God has a plan and a timeline all His own!


What have you been expecting SO hard and SO long that you feel like you’re going to burst? Would you share that with us, below?

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  1. Judy says:

    Good message Pastor Nicole crank. I needed to hear that this morning. I was just thinking this morning about a situation and I said to myself is it me or is it just them? I just need to remember to watch my stinking thinking , watch my words, de-stress and to pray. This message gave me something to think about. thanks a lot. hope you have a good day.

  2. Therese says:

    Thank you for the daily devotions you and Pastor David have been posted. I forward them to my son every son. Both of you are really talking to us in your daily words.
    Please pray for my son, my only child.

  3. Marinda Ferrell says:

    Thank you again for timely words. My spouse reminds me often, I’m on God’s schedule not my own. There are many things on my “bucket list.” somethings I want to do now. Now; never seems to come. Patience is not my favorite word in the dictionary. I’m learning to wait on “now.” It is not my to control period.

  4. Nancy says:

    Healing of diabetic eye disease and complete restoration of vision even better than before.

  5. Natlie Fonseca says:

    Hello Pastor Nicole, I’m not sure of how many situations and things I’m waiting on to come to pass, but I have a number of them. Sometimes I find myself starting to doubt, but as soon as I notice, I think of how great my God is and how much Jesus Has done for us! My time will come to shine for the Glory of Our Heavenly Father and Our Saviour Jesus!

  6. Amy says:

    This is a WORD in season! Been dealing with exact issue off and on for months!! Especially today and yesterday.

  7. RAYMOND says:

    I was blessed to have the resources to sow a nice seed in two well respected Ministries. Twelve years have passed since then and I am waiting for the harvest from those seeds. “A Tale Of Two Cities” would be an understatement in attempting to describe some portions of my journey after sowing . I was downsized from a position I enjoyed:Lost my mom to cancer: Had to go on welfare for a season: Foreclosure leading to a Shelter situation: That’s just some portions of chapter one. Through it all, God’s Grace has been exceeding abundantly manifested on a daily basis. A verse from a hymn says it all ” God will take care of you “. I have great expectation for breakthrough, restoration and yes my harvest. Be encouraged!

  8. J ALLEN says:

    Thank you!

    Family Nurse Practitioner student soliciting for clinical rotations to finish my degree. Long story short, this is a very competitive and saturated environment to get clinicals. i am a faithful tither and in addition have offered up seed for this (enough to smart, lol, told that is faith at its finest). The hour is fast approaching for my class to start. I continue to watch over the words of my mouth and state God can change anything at the twinkling of his eye! I am not moved bywhat I see or feel . Moved by the Word of God.

    I received your blog mails since buying Hello It’s Me God and you minister to me all the time.

    Today’s note could not have been any sweeter news. It’s as if God said, “Nicole write this e-mail to Jill and let everyone else see it and agree.”

    Thank you! God is faithful and so are you!

  9. Karen Cade says:

    Im waiting and expecting something. Thanks for the words I needed today. I will continue to trust God and be patient!

  10. Vicki says:

    Thank you! I enjoyed reading this! I too experienced the arrival of my son late, by four days. The doctors decided to induce labor, but there were issues and he had to be delivered by emergency C-section, as we almost lost him. The day he was born, my mother looked at him and said, “That’s our little preacher man.” I wasn’t following the Lord at the time and I just rolled my eyes. A couple of years later, when I came back to God and made a decision to follow Him, I saw the same as my mother saw, he is our preacher man. Today he is 23 and the devil has tried to take him out a few time; at birth, a few months later by choking on apple juice, and later in his teens by drugs. He has had others prophecy over him and he knows he is called. At 23 he says he’s not ready, and he’s still running. But I stand on in my faith in God’s Word and believe. I know what God started He will complete. As I have my own calling and begin my own ministry, I know that generational curses end with me, and we begin to set I. Place generational bkessings for my future generations. Be bless and I thank God for you and Pastor David.



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