When I was a little girl, we had tan-striped living room furniture and a burnt orange easy chair with wooden arms.
There was a ivory and burnt maroon afghan that my grandma knitted. (I still don’t understand the colors she chose, because they weren’t my school colors and they didn’t really match anything else.)
I don’t know if it was a lack of toys or just my crazy imagination. But one of my FAVORITE things to do was; gather all the sheets and blankets in the house, pull the pillows off the couch and make an elaborate fort system out of the living room by clothes-pinning the blankets to the tops of the cushions.
It was the perfect hiding place from who-knows-what, for seeking safety from invisible monsters while making big plans to conquer the kitchen.
I don’t know if you have a vivid imagination or not. But I DO know, you don’t have to imagine yourself safe and secure. It’s REAL! There is SAFETY and SECURITY in God, Our King, that extends WAY into your future.
Things may look wild and wooly, kind of scary and BIGGER than you can imagine. But, Ephesians 3:20 says that we serve a God who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly ABOVE all we can ask, think or imagine.
ABOVE ALL? That means, our wildest most outrageous imaginations are simply God’s STARTING POINT for what He will accomplish in us.
Trust God! Dream BIG! Live out the incredible future He has planned for you. When we reach the LIMITS of OUR IMAGINATION, that’s where God takes over.
He wants to do so much MORE!
If this “lights your fire” just a little bit, I want to invite you to IMAGINE, a FREE I Am Woman Event in West Palm Beach, this Friday night.
We’ll have FREE childcare for kids 0-4. We’re going to create Vision Boards, we’re going to relax, we’re going to have tasty treats and you’re going to leave refreshed and INSPIRED! You’re going to leave with a BIG VISION for your life!
So text a friend, RIGHT NOW, and I’ll see you at Palm Beach Lakes High School at 7:30 this Friday night!
It is my plans to worship with our Faith Church Family in West Palm Beach, FL this year. God blessing upon all of you.
I live in Nigeria but I am hopeful, that soon (maybe soon than I expect) , I’ll be able to attend one these session
I love this!
“When we reach the LIMITS of OUR IMAGINATION, that’s where God takes over.”