I never thought a girl like me would make it to Capitol Hill.
My background is a little too sketchy to be president.
Teenage moms just don’t get elected.
So when I found myself at the White House meeting with our elected officials, I was quite floored!
Why would they want to hear from someone like me?
For the same reason they would want to hear from someone like you…
We are the King’s kids! God is so good! He has big plans for us.
God’s plans for us are greater than we can imagine.

With Joel & Victoria Osteen
This was my first time in the nation’s capital.

Lincoln Memorial
I expected it to be much dirtier, more urban, something like New York City.
What I found was beautiful.
It had tree-lined streets, a surprisingly peaceful atmosphere, and beautiful monuments to the heroes who built our country.
As you can imagine, I had difficulty figuring out what to wear. I wasn’t feeling the most confident.
I was given strict guidelines like carrying a small purse or no purse at all.
Security was very tight. I actually had to turn in my security documents weeks in advance to be cleared to go to the places that we went.
When made it through high security (bomb sniffing dogs, metal detectors and pat downs), we found the buildings were actually quite normal. They were like any other office building. Some of the furniture was a little older and more beat up than I expected.
It’s not like what you see on television. It’s not at all glamorous. It was just very normal and slightly worn out.
We met senators, representatives, and some governors.

Nancy Pelosi & David Crank
Did you see the photo of David with Nancy Pelosi?
I realized these people have incredibly difficult schedules.
The demands of the public are challenging.
I realize it’s not so easy trying to do the right thing when the right thing is so different to so many people.
It’s really tough to make everyone happy all the time.
I learned that instead of criticizing, beating up, or scolding these public officials, we need to pray for them.

With Jan Brewer, Governor of Arizona
As citizens, it’s important to take time to vote. But that is not enough!
I learned how helpful it is when we take the time to pick up the phone or send an email to let our representatives know what we think.
If we don’t vote, and we don’t take time to tell them what we think, they can’t possibly know what we want done.
If they don’t know what we want done, then how can they do it on our behalf.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil.
It’s easy to complain about what the government is doing or not doing.
But if we are not communicating with them by e-mailing, calling and voting, then we might just have some responsibility for where we are as a country.
Most of all, we should pray.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. –2 Chronicles 7:14
We need to pray for our country and our government officials. We need to pray every day!
Will you join me in getting this country back on the road to Christian values?
Start by committing to write an email.
Send an email of support when they vote on something that upholds Christian values, and write an email letting them know what the right thing is when they are presented with a bill that goes against our values.
Then commit to pray for them.
I learned that while many are most concerned with their re-election, most want to serve the country. You being there brings God in their face and reminds them we are one nation under God.
I totally agree with you Pastor Nicole! My maternal grandfather had a prayer room where he specifically set aside time every morning to pray for not only our nation’s leaders but the leaders of ALL countries! As I’ve gotten older I began to see the importance of what he did and am now starting to follow his lead in this area. I also agree that we must be vocal with what we want our representatives to do. For them to represent us correctly we must tell them how we feel about the issues at hand.
You are so right!! Criticizing gets us nowhere. We are one nation under GOD!!! Everyone needs to realize that. Agreeing or disagreeing we must remember they represent all of and are there for all of us. We have to let them know our views and pray for them and their guidance. I’m so glad you shared this and thank all of you for going. Big hugs to you, Pastor David, Joel and Victoria.
As a stay-at-home Mom I found myself in the position to help our country by giving of my time and my voice. Elected officials are people who care and while I may not agree with everything they do I must respect them. I’ve learned to be respectful in agreeing to disagree with their positions or behavior when needed. I try to take the politics out of government, especially when working to improve government, including education and disability rights. It was inspiring to me to see the Osteens and the Cranks in Washington DC. Thanks for sharing some of your experiences.
Such a great perspective on what our public officials face on a daily basis! Thank you for letting us have a peek into their world. I am definitely with you in committing to pray for the leaders of our country and to let them know my opinion on the decisions they are making.
its a step in the right direction. soon god needs to be back in schools and in the pledge aliegence to the flag. wish people would live by the ten comm. again.
I realize it’s not so easy trying to do the right thing when the right thing is so different to so many people.
Great experience..thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you so much for your insight into our government. I agree whole heartedly. We must always hold our leaders up in prayer whether we agree or disagree with them. I saw you last Sunday night in Shreveport, LA at Shreveport Community Church. Isn’t the Country Club beautiful? I very much enyoyed your message. You are truly anointed. Thanks