In 2007, in Washington D.C., a man quietly took his place up against a subway wall, pulled out his violin, placed his hat on the ground and began to play the most beautiful music
Several THOUSAND people passed through the subway station that day. Some stopped to listen, briefly. Some even dropped sympathy coins in his hat.
The “beggar” on the street that morning was the world-renowned violinist Joshua Bell. The instrument in his hands was a violin valued at $3.5 million dollars.
Just a couple of days earlier, people had paid $100 a ticket and packed a Boston theater, just to hear him play.
But when he finished, this day, there was no applause, no standing ovation, nothing to acknowledge that, for nearly an hour, there had been ABSOLUTE TALENT and GRANDEUR on display.
No one noticed it, recognized it or valued it. Therefore, no HONOR was given. How many times do we, unknowingly, pass by “honor worthy” moments every day?
Our honor shows that we recognize the VALUE of something. (or someone) WHY is it so important?
Well, if it made God’s Top 10 List…we ought to take it seriously. In fact, you could argue that ALL of the Ten Commandments have to do with HONOR: honoring God, honoring parents, honoring your marriage, honoring the sanctity of life, honoring your neighbor…and so on.
Everything is BETTER with honor. With honor, the quality of our life goes up!
It’s easy to tell what a person honors MOST by looking at what they focus their time, talent and treasure on.
What are we taking for granted? What are we counting as COMMON?
Who will we HONOR this week, the Easter Bunny or our Savior who died for us?
Tell me about something you, personally, do to show honor?
I’d like to invite you to attend a compelling “passion play”, this Good Friday or one of our uplifting Easter Worship Experiences this weekend. You can find more details or watch online at
Happy Easter!
Hi Nicole
Great preach. I think your exactly right you do get more when your popular rich well known etc. My daughter is 20 and hasbt got one single friend in the world. They are autistic and so am i we have Jesus so we have everything but sophie dosent have anyone human as a friend.
Pastor Nicole, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge and honor YOU! Thank You for the time you take to write posts to encourage us and uplift us daily. I also want to honor Pastor David by sharing what a amazing Easter Sunday my hubby and I had at church this Sunday as he preached.. The whole experience was dynamic, amazing and powerful. Your church’s are evidence of how you both have honored God. You both deserve heavyweight medals for always fighting the good fight!
HI Nichole been attending for just awhile now and I wanted to tell you today Service really touched an gt me thinking an really moved me,I am almost 5 yrs out of domestic volence after 15 years .You really nailed it when you talked abt when you went back to place where all of those things were in your life,I still have those moments an at times its really diffcult in my everyday journeys but bottom line I am without dout a beliver of Gods Greatness an love for me to deliver someone like me out of Hell I Never gave up on the bellief that God had a plan for me still not sure of Gods plan for me all I do know an belive that my walk will not b in vein. thank you for your wisdom this moring.