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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Happiness Is…


December 20, 2011


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Happy Family

So happy right now!

Happiness is having something to eat when I am hungry.

I prefer sushi, but it is amazing that I have a choice.

Happiness is my home with heat and air conditioning.

The indoor plumbing is a major bonus (especially during winter in the Midwest).

Happiness is knowing God has a purpose for my life.

The more I follow Him, the more it becomes clear.

Happiness is having two healthy children. Even though they leave a trail like a tornado in the house.

Happiness is my daughter falling asleep with her head on my shoulder. I’m even fond of the drool stain she leaves on my sleeve.

Happiness is my husband sleeping next to me. We will leave out the snoring and interesting smells here.

Happiness 101

Happiness is possible wherever we are in life, but I wasn’t always there (in that happy place).

So what changed?

Let me tell you… the secret to happiness in life, marriage, single life, relationships, and in the workplace – it is being thankful for the things that are good (Philippians 4:8).

Now I know… it might not all be good, but if you take a moment to stop and think about it, you will discover a whole lot that is good no matter what is going on in your life right now.

Mesh your thoughts with God’s way of thinking. He is a happy God. He sits in the heavens and laughs (and it is not even at us).

Do you want to be happy right now?

Its easier than you think… so let’s do it!

I challenge you to write down 10 things that are good in your life then share a few of them in the comments below.

No matter what is going on in your life, make it your mission today to make this list. I promise, if you take the time to focus on what’s good in your life, you’ll be much happier.

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  1. 1) My relationship with God and Faith Church
    2) My daughter
    3) My husband
    4) Financial freedom (I’m a rags to riches story)
    5) Good health and my voice (i finally got it back after 2 weeks!)
    6) My friends
    7) My successful scentsy business
    8) My dogs
    9) I woke up this morning!
    10) I have the ability to help others in need!

  2. Amy McSheehy says:

    10 things I’m Happy For:
    (in no particular order)

    1. My Husband
    2. My House
    3. My Job
    4. My Family
    5. A car to drive
    6. My health
    7. Good Friends
    8. Faith Church St Louis
    9. My Dogs

  3. Kim Arnold says:

    1)God loves me
    2)My husband is still here and geting healthy
    3)My daughters love
    4)My health
    5)Our church Pastors and family
    6)God is always on time
    7)I have a job
    10) Another day

  4. Kristy Kelley says:

    1) The health of my family
    2) Our children
    3) A new little baby to share Christmas with this year
    4) Our church
    5) God’s Grace
    6) My job/career
    7) My loving husband
    8) Christmas cookies 🙂
    9) Sisters
    10) The financial blessings that we’re receiving

  5. Dianne Woodin says:

    my brother, Jesus & Our Father
    my heavenly family, Mary, angels, the spirits of loved ones…
    my children & grandchildren
    my family
    my church family
    all of my blessings

  6. Angie Jones says:

    1. I am thankful for my God and his never ending love
    2. I am thankful for my husband who loves me unconditionally
    3. I am thankful for my children
    4. I am thankful for my mother who has always stood by me
    5. I am thankful for my church and pastors
    6. I am thankful for my home
    7. I am thankful for wonderful job
    8. I am thankful for my health
    9. I am thankful for my financial situation
    10. I am thankful for my daily blessings

  7. David Smith says:

    Thank you for encouraging me to make this list! Here’s a few of mine:

    My friends, my church, my job and the people I work with, my perfectly healthy new nephew, and the fact I still have my grandparents. 🙂

  8. 1. The unending love of our Father.
    2. The redemptive power of the blood of Jesus.
    3. The presence of the Holy Spirit in my daily life.
    4. The life and health I’ve been and continue being blessed with.
    5. The power God has used to open my eyes to His will, not mine.
    6. The love and companionship of my wonderful wife.
    7. The blessing of three healthy, intelligent, caring children.
    8. The extended family and in-laws that have always supported me.
    9. The great church family God has provided me and my family.
    10. The job, home and food God has provided for me and mine.

  9. neshika rafael says:

    am so happy with the way u have just protray it. am 24 years and am sick with cancer and it has been always hard for me but i believe God is always there for me . thanks again for aspiring words be blessed

  10. Stephanie Talley says:

    I am thankful for alot of things though my vision at times gets clouded. I am thankful for:
    1. My ability to have a personal, intimate relationship with God by the sacrifice of Jesus
    2. I live in a country where I’m free to worship and share my faith without fear
    3. I have two Spiritual Parents and a great church and I know it’s where I belong
    4. I have a godly man in my life whom I love and am enjoying the journey with. He encourages me and believes in me
    5. God blessed me a few weeks ago with a entry level career that I love in the social work field I’m studying.
    6. I have family (both biological and not) that love and accept me for me and love me that way
    7. I have my health and my youth
    8. I can freely own my own Bible- (people died for us to have this ability)
    9. I have a warm place to stay every night… and I’m believing for a place of my own again in January! 2012 is going to be awesome!!!!
    10. Finally…. I’m thankful for coffee with Cinnabon creamer early in the morning…. sorry just got up 🙂

    Thank you Pastor Nicole for this exercise and for your commitment and dedication to serving God. You and Dave are truly an inspiration! Love you guys and look forward to experiencing continued individual growth and growth of our church family in this coming year!

  11. Jerome R says:

    1. My relationship with God and the people he has put in my life.
    2. My job and career.
    3. My family.
    4. My dogs.
    5. My brand new home.
    6. My health.
    7. The new car I am buying.
    8.The fact my steps are ordered by GOD.

  12. Alicia Davis says:

    God Loves Me
    My Health
    My Childrens Health
    My Job
    My Car
    My House
    My Family is here
    Drama Free Lifestyle
    Financially able this year for Christmas
    My Safety

  13. Gloria says:

    1. Blessed at another 24 (hours to go at it again)
    2. A family that is “together” (at least physically… got a bunch of nuts here)
    3. Options… whether it be for dinner or what to wear, I have more options available to me than I realize!!
    4. Opportunities…. the endless opportunities God gives me each day. Through trials and triumphs.
    5. Living in South Florida (Hello…the temperature is amazing… even if it took me 20 years of living in Florida to appreciate it).
    6. My parents being here for the winter.
    7. Deodorant
    8. Our dog Mia… she’s keeping us in line
    9. Beyond blessed to have a restaurant (Life saver for non-cooking nights)
    10. Life. Each day I awake, I’m given the chance to glorify God, the chance to make a difference in a life (especially my families), the chance to shine the Light of Christ (even though I may fall, He remains Faithful), a Chance to hang on FOR DEAR LIFE to the Grace and Mercies that are infinitely available!!!

  14. Bonny says:

    I am happy for…
    My new family nuturing, caring for, and accepting me.
    My new home’s amenities 🙂
    I have never eaten so well, as I have in the past year.
    My improved health; emotional, and physical.
    My improved finances; I have more money than month for the first time ever.
    My new mom has opened my eyes to realizing that my mother really did love me.
    My frequent mini-sermons from my new family that keep me confessing positive.
    My wonderful Pastors refocusing and educating me every week.
    My son is well and the Lord, nor I, have given up on him.
    I am forgiven, and the Holy Spirit is always with me.

  15. Sophonie Joseph says:

    1) God’s unconditional love
    2) My Family
    3) Trinity Miami 🙂
    4) My Friends
    5) Somebody special 🙂
    6) My job
    7) Being able to serve
    8) My connect group
    9) My apartment & car
    10) The gift of Eternal life



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