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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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January 2, 2019


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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It’s the last year of this decade, let’s make it count.

I’m not going out the way I came in. Are you?
While I’m here I’m going to change. I’m going to be transformed. I’m going to LET God do what He wants to do in me and not resist.

Rom12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern is this world – of your past – of what was – of what happened last year…

Don’t conform any more
To that thing ‘they’ said about you
To that limit you THINK you have on your future
To that anchor that’s trying to hold you down
no, No, NO!!!!! (can you hear me yelling? Yell with me!)

Not today, not this time, not this year, not anymore!
BUT be transformed (changed).
By the renewing of your mind. Think different. HOW?

Listen different (more Him – podcasts, worship, you tube – less junk). Pray different. And act on THAT.

THEN – THEN you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Say this OUT LOUD:
I’m opening my mind, my heart, and my future to change.
And I won’t stand idly by waiting for it to happen TO me. I will be a conduit of the change God wants to see IN me.

God wants to release my potential.
The Lord Almighty is beckoning me to my true purpose .
My Father and My Redeemer is asking me to step up.
The Creator of the universe is praying for me to say – YES.
God is looking to and fro in the earth for someone to bless. That. Is. Me.

I am open.
I am teachable.
I embrace change.
There is more for me.
I will believe for it.
I will pursue it.
I will walk on it.
And I start today.


God is unleashing a WORD in me for our 2019 BANNER year. I can NOT wait for this weekend. ARE YOU READY FOR WHAT GOD HAS FOR YOU????

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  1. Holly Braddock says:

    Yes ! Yes! Yes!!

  2. Lelia Booker Burns says:

    You can’t see it, but there’s a smile on my face that seems it couldn’t possibly get any bigger!! Thank you so much for all your words and thoughts and prayers that help so many of us. 2018 has been a blessing and also had some huge hurdles. Mistakes, successes, lessons, tears and laughter… but always love. Our home is quiet right now as I read this in the kitchen. One car running (which I’m so thankful for!). I just drove my husband 30 miles to meet up and ride with a coworker and they’ll drive another hour and a half to their job site where they’ll be working in sub zero temps today. I’m thankful for all my husband does for our family, and everything the Lord does daily to provide and lead us as we raise grandchildren and navigate new situations.
    The busyness will start soon. But right now, I’m enjoying the moments… the peace, the snow covered mountains out the window and the comfort in my spirit that says it’s all going to be fine. It’s going to be so much MORE than fine.
    God has given me wonderful gifts, and in the past two years of listening better and getting to know Him, knowing Jesus, I’ve been given a sort of outline of what I’ll do and how to use the gifts I’ve bedn blessed with. Some days it seems like I’m making great strides, and other days it seems like a domino effect in reverse, of not being able accomplish this task without that this, but this can’t hspoen without the other thing, etc…
    BUT GOD! He is my strength! I’ll not look to the world but to Him, and to those that He’s placed in my life that are such a wonderful examples and blessings helping me along the way. You, Pastor Nicole and Pastor David, are some of those people. I’m not going to sit idle and wait. I’ll be DOING, and I’ll be PRAISING the Lord, as I wait for each step… each door…
    2019 is going to be the best year yet!! Prayers and blessing for you!

  3. Crystal says:

    Wow Pastor this spoke to me. I am tired of starting the same every year. 2019 I will allow God to more with out me questioning everything. I trust in Him and NOW I need to act in it!

    Thank you for this word on a day I truly believe I needed to read this.

  4. Marinda Ferrell says:

    Amen and Amen! Claiming the victory in Jesus Name.

  5. Michelle Fontenot says:

    Today I say YES, Thank God for people like you Pastor Nicole, this was right on time, I was just thinking about how I felt limited sort of trapped by my circumstances, but this is confirmation that it’s time to step out on Faith

  6. Ericka says:

    U dnt knw hw many times a day I yell those EXACT words!! ????

    But the devil has another thing comin if he thinks for a min he can keep dragging me further & further away from what God has for me!
    I’m sick absolutely sick of things getting “bungled” bein becoming one nightmare after another before I can even get a hold of it! Always bein so deliraated & just a mess a hot mess at that!!

    THIS IS A BREAKTHROUGH Yr for me in the beauty of its essence!! I mean I’m talkin miracles over miracles blessings strength like “Hercules” & a testimony!!

  7. Tiffany Crawford says:

    Thank you PD. I recently watched one of your sermons on t.v. I donate at least 10 % every paycheck and have been doing so for about 2 years or so. From the sermon I watched on t.v. I believe I am called to write. Write about God and life and other things. Please keep me in mind I have just started this journey. I have not told anyone yet bc things have been hectic around me and i don’t know who to tell or how to tell them. I am a RN by day,but really don’t think it’s what God has called me to do. In my first piece of work i mention some of the things i learned from you. Is it ok that i mention your name. It is no where near publishing stage, but i believe if I am now in the will of God, great things will happen. Thanks again.

  8. Tryna GIerer says:

    Great word today, working on my goals and specific details NOW!

  9. Marianne says:

    Thanks so much for your message at church. I wrote 10 goals before I left. How do I find the 10 min videos you mentioned?

  10. Theresa says:

    Today’s message was exactly what I needed to hear.
    My goals:
    I had a heart to heart 20th anniversary trip to the KCM Branson victory campaign
    I are less dessert and smaller amounts of food to loose 10 ponds to be healthier for years to come.
    I sought God for His plan and purpose for this new season of life: for the first time in 18 years all my kids will be in school.
    We have decorated the kitchen with a desk and corner table
    I have been able to be me when the whole family (6 kids) are home for breaks. I took care of myself and was able to better care for and enjoy the vacation.

  11. Audry Brkown says:

    Thank you for your message, The last three weeks have meant so much to me. I believe that God made sure I heard each sermon. Today’s sermon put an exclamation on my need to change. I will be 60 years old in a little over 3 weeks and I have felt so lonely and so lost. In my heart, I believed that I had enough faith in God to someday overcome my problems. But, when I really look at things I don’t have enough faith in myself. I am so lonely, I feel like a failure, and despite my “ugliness”, I want a partner in my life. When I was younger I prayed and I spoke to God. I asked him for a child. I had been told that I would never have a child. But, God thought otherwise. The father of my child, who is now 22 years old is married, but a very good friend. A friend that I privately still love very deeply. Yet, I do pray to meet someone who can bring me love and security. I have prayed for this for those 22 years. However, I have lost faith in this prayer. I now believe it wasn’t answered because it wasn’t meant for me to have the love that most people are blessed with. So, now I pray to be happy, to give my son the life I never could have. I want to have goals for myself, but I don’t feel that in my heart. I don’t feel as if I am worthy of any more gifts from God. I have witnessed his answers to many of my life’s needs. That is why I thank him every day and every time I have a meal or open my eyes. There have been so many times that I did not know if my family would eat. God always found a way. There are many times that my son needs something for school. He is away in college. And the good Lord finds a way to help me get those things. So, I know what he can do. But, I don’t know how he can help me to be a better me. Where do I start? Where do I end? Most of the time I believe my personal life has ended. That each day belongs to others. It belongs to my brother, whom I care for (he’s mentally challenged), my son and my 4 Yorkies. Perhaps I just discovered my first goals? I need to accomplish a way to make up for the life that I have failed to give them. I have made so many financial makes that I have failed to give them a better lifestyle. I want to make things so much easier for them to live. I want to have an “all” to give. Thank you for blessing me with an opportunity to “think” and to expect some kind of change. God knows they deserve something better from me. Forgive me if I shared too much.

  12. Teedee Davis says:

    Thanks Pastor Nicole,
    Your message Sunday was right on time. I had already started writing my goals & things I would like to achieve as well as things I ‘m going to change . I started on January 1st and also I’m reading the Bible in a year plan.
    This past holiday I gave out Christian Journals to my family & a couple of friends as gifts, I wanted to be encouraging. So I write in my journal daily, it has been so fulfilling and encouraging. It also brings clarity as you had suggested.
    Love ya Pastor,
    Look forward to even more encouraging messages throughout the year.

  13. Stephanie Remsburg says:

    YES Amen!!!

  14. Pastor Nicole: It is Sunday Jan. 13th 10:18 pm EST in Connecticut. Finally, all 5 sessions have I finished (as that wisest of Star Wars sagesYoda would say it). Yesterday I began at about 10:00 am to study Session 1 on goals.
    Due to satan being freaked completely out that I would even think about digging in, he used my 2 and 1/2 year old
    granddaughter to attempt to deter/discourage/and whatever other words fit. She interrupted me constantly. I would not quit. By about 3:30 I finished……notes, goals and all. Tonight I began at about 7:30 (after watching the Patriots/Chargers and the Eagles/Saints games)……..because the house was emptied of all the humans (I am currently
    staying at my stepdaughter’s – snail mail will give you the story), I began at about 7:30 and just finished all of the other 4 sessions. It was my second time for Rewards. The first time was this morning. Such a great thing. You
    started something with your Ghiradelli chocolate. I went to my local CVS with my $5 extra bucks coupon and aside from a roll of toilet paper and a box of Puffs tissues, I found a bag of M and M’s mint candies and a bag of Hershey”s Mint Truffle Kisses. Cause they were from Christmas, 75% off! Did not spend a penny – extra bucks covered it all. That is my reward for actually studying the sessions (copious notes) and writing goals for me……..not some pie in the sky stuff. Love how God has sent this through you in such a different way than all those crazy re-invent yourself and goal setting – but not giving Godly practical how to’s – seminars costing stupid big bucks and way too much time. I consider you my champion! I will be sending goals tomorrow……..need to rest now.

  15. Becky Privett says:

    I am starting today to make 2019 to be the most amazing year ever for me. I have let some things of this world get in my way of living for God. This is the best message that I really needed to hear. Thank you Pastor Nicole for giving me the steps I need to take. I am committed to following through so I can see what God has planned for my life.



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