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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Juggling Peace


April 9, 2018


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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I have to admit, I’m a PEOPLE PLEASER. I want to make everybody happy. And I HATE saying ‘no’.

It seems like so many people want me to do something that I just can’t possibly fit in, would run me down, or is just more than I can handle – and I’m forced to say “NO”. It always makes me feel like I’m LETTING PEOPLE DOWN.

But, I’m pretty sure some of the same stuff happens to you, too.

• They NEED you to chaperone the field trip.
• They WANT you to work the PTA fundraiser.
• They NEED you to put in moreovertime.
• They WANT you on the neighborhood committee.
• They NEED you to work on special reports for that big project.

EVERYBODY wants a piece of you! You feel obligated to say “yes” because you don’t want anyone to be mad at you.

We can all get stuck in this “yes trap” because we have an APPROVAL ADDICTION! The Bible warns us that fearing people is a dangerous TRAP!

“No” is NOT a bad word!  No” isactually, an EMPOWERING word“No” is a word that gives us the ability to step away from those things that may rob our time, steal our focus, take our resources and stress us out.

We can’t always please people AND God at the same time. Put Him first. Say “no” to people…“yes” to God and keep your PEACE!


Are other people’s expectations for you overwhelming your life? Tell us how it makes you feel.


Does your life sometimes resemble a three-ring circus? Join us this weekend for “The Greatest Show”, a NEW series at

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  1. Judy Holley says:

    Thank you again Pastor Nichole. That is exactly what I am doing I am trying to please everyone. I don’t want them mad or disappointed in me. Though I have learned how to say no I still have those feelings of disappointing people. I guess what you’re saying, I’ve got to remember the most important person that I have to please is God. get rid of those feelings of disappointing people. I’m going to have to meditate on that and God’s word this morning and throughout the day. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  2. Sibonisiwe Mazula says:

    Working with parents of children with disabilities is overwhelming because each one of them has a challenge which they expect you to solve.

  3. Sherlene says:

    I wish I would have known this when I was younger, juggling a child, working overtime,, dating, asking me to join this and be a part of that. I thought the more I did the more I would be appreciated and never say no, but in the inside crying no….

  4. Michelle Fontenot says:

    I am 40 years old, and I am just recently learning how to say no. People will use you up if you let them. I was always trying to people please, but I now know that the only one that I truly have to please is God.

  5. Teri says:

    Most people that say yes figure that if they don’t do it no one will. But my problem was just the opposite, I always thought if I stop saying yes, someone else would say yes and I would stop being asked and then I would no longer be needed. I was afraid to say no. Anyone else, or am I the only one who felt this way?

  6. Karen Cade says:

    Thank Pastor Nicole, your words are always just what I need… Thank you for the constant reminder that our God is all we ever need.
    Peace and blessings to u always.
    Karen Cade FC, ECC

  7. Marinda Ferrell says:

    My dearest and best friend who is more my sister than friend is the person described in your blog. She can’t say no. The lady serves two churches, put on programs, and assist as many other churches for events as requested. She cooks and serves an Army of relatives, and has a husband who depends on her for everything. She can’t say no. No is a foreign word for her. There is no 24/7 days for her it’s more like 24/24. I pray for her because she forsakes her self to do for everybody. This was also her schedule when serving as an educator for 34-years. Retirement hasn’t slowed her roll. Talking to her doesn’t help.

  8. Mike says:

    Thanks again Pastor Nicole. I think you are an awesome teacher. You have an uncanny ability to bring the things that are deep down inside my conscious, my thinking conscious, to the surface, where I can recognize them. I really appreciate how you and PD talk straight to the point. Sometimes it’s alarming when I look at how I have conducted some of my life, but with this message of Hope, I realize that my reasoning and my thoughts really do not matter when my God is in control. I thank you and PD so much for the WORD that I have received since coming 2 Faith Church. I have went through much adversity; and my life has turned in many directions not all of them good since I have become a member of your church and I hate to think of where I would be without the teaching I have received in the last 5 or 6 years from you and PD and the other Pastors who have the ability to profess God’s word in front of a multitude of people. Special shout-outto Pastor Paul! Great Listener!! #hopeisalive

  9. Patrice Mole says:

    Hey. I feel like on the inside I am slowly falling apart. I know the Lord God is helping me, but I am at a job that doesn’t give me any time to myself at all and I have to do an internship and my parents are suggesting still that I can go into the Air Force. I’m so tired and a little hurt and please pray that I get through this. Thank you

  10. Junjuncrystal says:

    Thank you for the very inspiring read Pastor.I admit that sometime,I often say ‘yes’ to people.But I realized that I am nothing without God who gave me a strenght in every step of my way.
    THANKS GOD????



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